The colors of the regiments of the 1st brigade of leib-grenadiers are significant – they reflect the influences of the multi national forces the prince regularly employs and are often found in the regiments themselves.
The predominantly blue and yellow colors show the importance of the Germanic elements of the Holy Roman Empire under the rule of Austrian and Germanic monarchs, including the British prince regent and his Hanoverian subjects. Finally, white gaiters pay homage to all Bourbon kings, both French and Spanish along with powdered hair for all grenadiers, horse and foot.
The militia forces offer a more subdued appearance, wearing the simple off-white coat that is a typical sight around the streets and marketplaces of Lichtengrein. Thus the local forces combined with the diverse influence of the multinational contingents that serve in the army, provide for many styles of military fashions that come from all over Europe.
A pleasure to be allowed to comment: I enjoy yout blog and I enjoy to write down this appreciation!
Welcome aboard 'EvE'
A question: for the Hussars in *white* mirliton, is the fur of the pelisse black, as for the other regiment, or white? There is as much 'white' (silver) as black in the coat-of-arms of the Prince, so they would have free choice?
Just curious?
The same pelisse for both the white and black hussars are drawn from the Lichtengrein storehouse. Only the mirliton colour changes as the Prince has decreed!
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