
Herein you’ll find the home page of the Principality of Lichtengrein! In the tradition of Charles Grant’s THE WAR GAME this site details the adventures of Prince Rupert of Lichtengrein in the imagi-nation world of the mid eighteenth century.

Whilst focusing on all manner of information pertaining to Lichtengrein, other issues concerning the great nations of Europe will also be covered as well as those of the new world.

Please feel free to pop in and check up on the miniature military events that occur to Prince Rupert’s realm and other surrounding states, great and small.


Prince Rupert of Lichtengrein
Latest Update

In the 'Gallery' a number of shots of the recently completed forces of Lichtengrein and Prussia have been posted.

The Flags in the Army Background section has also been updated as well as a couple of Might and Reason scenarios in the Miniatures area added for good measure!

...the view from the Greinberg

...the view from the Greinberg

Mar 28, 2009

Lichtengrein Army

Lichtengrein Pics

1st Battalion of the leib-garde foot grenadiers.

2nd Battalion of the leib-garde foot grenadiers.

3rd Battalion of the leib-garde foot grenadiers on the march.

1st and 2nd regiments of Horse Grenadiers.

Note, the flag of Rupert himself off to the right of shot. Inspired by the colors of his great uncle it will be familiar to all who enjoy the English Civil War.

and again, with the colors of the 1st clearly visible.

Here's a closer look at prince Rupert's personal colors........

A rear shot of the 2nd Battalion of regulars. The standard bears the motto of the principality's colors "Fur Gott und Furst" - For God and Prince.

Lichtengrein freikorps

gunners man their red field pieces......



abdul666 said...

And they DO look good!
Glad to see you posting again; maybe Dreikoller, Krussia and Nordmark will follow your exemple?

Happy Wanderer said...

Thanks Jean-Louis,

After a hiatus I hope to add further to the site for the viewing pleasure of all.

